Wednesday, June 1, 2016

A Father's Advice - Part 5

In The Name of Allah, The Most Merciful and Most Compassionate

Assalamu'alaikum my dearest daughter, Fathiah or fondly known as Tete.

To see our children get a proper education, with the hope of they will be able to survive in the future, is our top priority.  For that reason, to see you further your tertiary education at KPH Healthcare University College, even though it seems too expensive for our standard, is actually a dream come true.

You know well enough how your mother and I are hoping that one of our children will take up nursing or any other health sciences program.  So, stay focus in your study, take up the challenge and never let anything adverse disturb your endeavour to get your diploma.

Hostel and campus life are very much different from the comforting life of staying at home.  I believe, you can adapt in a short period of time.  Friends, your room-mates, course mates from all over the country are your family now. Whatever the circumstances are, study must come first.  Always pray to Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala, seek for His guidance and mercy.  Abah and Mama will always be around when you need us.

So take care and study hard.  Make yourself and your family proud.

Love, Abah.